Prince Avalos

The letter came. Prince Avalos was trying hard to remain composed and dignified as he carefully unsealed the letter from its envelope. Calm eyes drifted over the page from top to bottom, and not just once. Could it really be true?

Looking at the strange metal briefcase that accompanied the letter in his hands, he knew it was not a hoax. He knew he wasn't dreaming. For in that very case lay his future and that of his children. The C.E.A. had chosen his application from among thousands. Prince Avalos was chosen to become an ambassador to the aliens in their midst and beyond. It was a very weighty responsibility but one he was eager to begin.

Setting down the empty envelope and letter upon the table, he bent and retrieved the metal case. Setting this also upon the table, he stood looking upon it for a while, daring himself to remain calm and collected. It was not easy. His heart wanted to burst with excitement despite the somber reality of what was taking place. His whole life had just taken a turn very few could ever imagine.

Opening the case at last, he took a steadying breath and took out the packets within. Packets of printed information upon strange shimmering metal-like disks. With them in his hand he looked around, located the chair he was searching for, and sat to read. Upon the top of the encrypted packages was his picture and basic statistics. Setting this aside he followed the first disk's instructions and pressed his thumbprint to its surface. This is what he saw when the screen came to life...

Nerd Brain
Genius, Cheerful, Self-Assured


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